Brian Little Appointed as Pressure Cooker General Manager

If you’ve attended music festivals in South Africa, chances are that you are familiar with Brian Little’s name.
Brian Little, the co-founder of Rocking the Daisies and the experiential agency Seed Experiences, started his career in the creative industry at a young age, serving as an Art Director in agencies such as FCB and Y&R. Upon returning to South Africa from travelling abroad, he launched Rocking the Daisies, which was the first music festival of its kind in the country at the time. Under Brian’s direction, the festival ran for a decade before being sold.
During this period, he collaborated with a variety of leading international music acts, brands, and local agencies before serving as General Manager for AfrikaBurn.
When the Covid lockdown occurred, Brian decided to leverage his entrepreneurial talents to the next level, earning his MBA

How does someone with a deep understanding of the music and sound industry, advertising experience, and a strong entrepreneurial drive end up at a post-production facility like Pressure Cooker?
James Matthes, the company’s co-founder, sheds some light on the matter:
“We required someone like Brian to transform our vision into reality. Over the years, we’ve grown considerably, layering creative upon creative to create a team of experts who can provide the best quality work for our clients. Now, with Brian on board, our business can genuinely be mission-driven in a manner that surpasses our wildest dreams. We’ll strengthen our systems, structures, culture, and firm up our business foundations. We’re continually striving to deliver the highest level of creativity, and I believe we’ve now hired the leadership talent required to match this and elevate us to the next level.”

Read the full article on IDIDTHAT.Com here.
